Review of RTRT project: UK
Memorable moments that took place in our RTRT group
The powerful effect reminiscence has and the positive impact the sessions are having on both the relatives and carers.
Feedback from Volunteer from working with a carer and relative:
‘Marjorie (relative) has a short attention span and her ability to interact is limited. I soon found out that she really enjoys reading so bringing out the old Be-Ro recipe book started to stimulate memories of baking. I also found out from Len (carer) that she used to sing in several choirs. We did some singing which she really enjoyed. I do feel that Len got a lot out of the project as well. He does not get out to socialise and said he enjoyed seeing Marjorie having a good time and having a good crack himself'
“I’ll probably talk about the past more instead of getting exasperated at repetition”
“...not to give up on my sister. Because of my enjoyment on Monday, it gave me the determination to keep trying and she enjoyed it”
Carer's feedback
Seeing a relative knitting proudly and hearing her carer saying she hadn’t done any knitting for many, many years. This was a similar observation on two different occasions with two different families
The positive impact that the sessions are having on carers and the improvement in the relationships between the carer and relative
The realisation that carers are starting out, apprehensively on a very new and uncertain journey: ‘I don’t feel very helpful yet. I am still learning about dementia’
Listening to the wonderful responses of relatives on the local radio, following a visit from a journalist to one of our sessions and impromptu interviews
The main things we have learned
Successes to build on:
“Loved the role playing (head teacher and pupils). Such a giggle and Susan you were a star teacher. We were such a rowdy group of pupils!”
Carer's feedback
That using the past creatively can enhance the present and that simple creative reminiscence activities are effective and fun
Poetry sessions can be stimulating and a lot of fun. Carers started off unsure but are now so enthusiastic they want to produce a poetry book
There is always a way to communicate with someone with dementia. One relative with vascular dementia finds it difficult to communicate verbally. He was in his element acting out the groom, during a wedding ceremony
Pitfalls to avoid:
Over-running on activities and not leaving enough time for refreshments or finishing late.
Expecting that all relatives want to attend sessions every time. Sometimes they don’t want to go out
Having incorrect seating arrangements and having to move participants once the session has started.
The main things that the carers in our groups learned about reminiscence
“It was very good today. John said he really enjoyed it; praise indeed!”
Carer's feedback
Objects, photos, music and songs can trigger memories
Although short-term memory is lost, long term memory can be stimulated using reminiscence
Active listening is important in reminiscence and focuses on the relative which makes them feel special
“Today was so
Carer's feedback
Everyday things at home can be used to trigger memories.
It helps social interaction
What the people with dementia in our groups gained from the project:
“I enjoyed sharing the memories and making the group poem. It’s been lovely. It has brought all memories back”
Relative's feedback
Stimulation and enjoyment
Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
Enhanced sense of identity and belonging
Opportunity to be sociable and interact with others
Enriched relationships
Improved communication and conversation
Future plans:
Plans for future reminiscence work in dementia care:
“Session went very well. People are getting to know us and, ‘opening up’”
Volunteer''s feedback
We plan to turn the project into an on-going programme of creative reminiscence activities for carers and relatives around the life stages, approaching the different themes in a different way to make it constantly fresh and interesting. Families can join and leave at any stage of the programme and not miss out any of the themes.
Produce memory bags for the programme that can be taken home by the carers and used with relatives who do not attend the sessions
Encourage the group to illustrate the poems that they have produced
As well as producing life story books, the families will have the opportunity to produce their own memory
Provide training in creative reminiscence and dementia for carers
Possibly introduce the “Five Ways to Well-being” concept into the sessions as a ‘5-a-day’ programme for the mental well-being of carers and relatives: (The five stages are: Connect; Be active; Take notice; Keep learning; Give)
Plans to develop reminiscence projects in other contexts:
“Enjoyed it all but prefer the sessions where we are all together as a group”
Relative's feedback
Publish the poems produced by the group
Explore with the families the idea of animating elements of the life stories
Creative art/craft sessions, producing individual and group art pieces
Music and movement sessions themed around the life stages
Intergenerational theatre, young people acting out the memories of the group