European Reminisence Network

Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today Training, 2012 - 2014

Welcome to the RYCTT area of the website where information about the latest 2012-2014 project can be viewed. Click a flag in the left column to find out about the RYCTT Reminiscence in Dementia Care programme that took place in each country, and read the content below to find out more about this project:

Reminiscence group

The European Reminiscence Network was funded under the EC Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme to continue and develop the work we had begun in 2010-12 under the title “Remembering Together: Reminiscence Training” (visit the RTRT project area of this website to view our previous project).

As a partnership, we developed a cross-Europe training and accreditation programme so that we could spread the work in our own countries and ensure that there would be competent group facilitators to lead it in the future.

European Partners in the RYCTT project

Map showing European countries Netherlands Poland Czech Republic Germany Spain France Northern Ireland Ireland UK Slovakia

Eight partners were funded for the RYCTT project, but all the original 11 partners managed to attend our project meetings and participate to some extent in our common programme. All have continued their commitment to creative reminiscence work and to reminiscence training.

One of the four project meetings - in Perpignan, France
Image: One of the four project meetings - in Perpignan, France

The 2-day training course in Reminiscence in Dementia Care

Click here or see the top right column above for information.

The Apprenticeships

The Apprenticeships

At least half of those who trained on our 2-day courses went on to become apprentices. They were attached to a group of family carers and people with dementia, meeting weekly over a ten-week period.

Led by experienced group leaders in each country, these reminiscence groups followed a common set of themes, using a variety of creative approaches to help participants find and share life-stories.

Apprentices had the chance to observe sessions, to contribute to them and eventually to lead them. They got to know the families and gained the confidence they needed to resource and run inclusive enjoyable reminiscence afternoons themselves.

They then reflected on their own learning in written essays before becoming accredited facilitators. Some of their essays have been included in the UK pages of the site - View essays.


Image © Lorenzo Hernandez 
This was a much more complicated project to run than the ‘Remembering Together’ project which preceded it. It involved finding families who would commit to series of 10 or more sessions, a venue in which to meet, plus all the necessary resources. In addition, we had to provide experienced group leaders to run the sessions and provide a model of good practice for the apprentices.

In some countries it was hard to find freelance arts workers who would dedicate their time once a week over up to four months on a voluntary basis to train and to complete their apprenticeship with us. It often involved passing up paid work, which was difficult for some on limited budgets.
Images above and right © Lorenzo Hernandez. Colour images towards the top of the page © Alex Schweitzer.

However those who completed the scheme showed a high level of commitment and took the course and apprenticeship very seriously. The challenge now is to help them all to find outlets for their new skills and to go on developing the scheme in partner countries and beyond. For this we are seeking new funding

















The 2-day training programme

The 2-day training programme

The same 2-day training programme ran in all partner countries. Training course participants explored experientially the key concepts behind using creative reminiscence in dementia care. 

The trainees were drawn from many different fields and disciplines, including dementia care, oral history, community development and the arts.

The huge growth of interest on the part of artists across Europe in engaging with people with dementia has ensured a high take-up of the 2-day course in all partner countries, and many of those attending have gone on to introduce reminiscence approaches into their existing work with people with dementia.

2023 Training Course and Apprenticeship scheme

2023Training Course and Apprenticeship scheme

The ERN are pleased to announce a new 2023 Training Course & Apprenticeship Scheme in Reminiscence Arts in Dementia Care.

Find out more:
View PDF or download Word doc

December 2016 workshop

'Remembering the past: Building the future': An International workshop on Reminiscence Arts including lectures and theatre presentations
9th December 2016
at 10am – 5pm

Find out more:

Click to viewClick to view
[PDF 211K] or

Download Word doc

Memory Grand Challenge: Exploring links between reminiscence in dementia care and oral history

The above seminar was held at the University of Greenwich on Thursday 13th October 2016
at 3pm – 6pm

Find out more:
View PDF flyer or
download Word document

A successful outcome after one of the training courses

Angela and Stephen (Christine Novy's project)

People travelled huge distances to attend the courses. We have included below a piece from Christine Novy, who travelled from Canada to attend the course in the UK, and then flew to Poland to join our international meeting in Poznan.

You can read about Christine's wonderfully inventive project here:
Click to view Christine Novy's projectClick to view project
[PDF 481k]

The Assessments

The Assessments

In order for this to be a genuinely common scheme across Europe, we had to develop a common marking scheme of both practical and written work and a common certificate of accreditation.

With some academic input to the design and assessment of the course from our long-term evaluator, Errollyn Bruce, we developed a scheme which most partners were happy to subscribe to.

Almost all partners ran the apprenticeship scheme at least once and in some cases four times during the life of the project.

Why an apprenticeship?

Below is a brief presentation by Errollyn Bruce explaining the reasons behind the apprenticeship:

A brief presentation by Errollyn Bruce explaining the reasons behind the apprenticeshipClick to view project
[PDF 145k]

Assessment documents

The following document gives guidance on how the assessment was carried out:

Click to view assessment criteria
Click to view assessment criteria [PDF 107k]

A marking document was used as a basis for feedback for apprentices:

Click to view marking document
Click to view marking document [PDF 77k]

Image © Lorenzo Hernandez

Project statistics

The overall statistics we have collected are as follows:

Number of trainees who took the 2-day training course 362

Number of apprentices involved 146

Number of people with dementia involved 250

Number of family carers involved 196

Number of reminiscence arts sessions 311

Lottery funded

Co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.